My oh my, how the time flies! The past few months have disappeared behind photoshoots, work, play and now snow days. SNOW DAYS!
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
A Day At The Kent County Youth Fair
Earlier this month, we spent a Saturday morning at the Kent County Youth Fair in Lowell. Earlier that day, I asked her if she wanted to go see some horses. She was so excited, the entire ride there she kept asking for the "horsies" and even had a special request to see some "chikkins!" We went early and even though we missed out on the carnival rides (which didn't start running until the early afternoon) we still had a blast. We did get to see a pony and a dog show. We explored all of the animal barns. Mila loved the chickens and bunnies but was unusually fond of the goats and kept yelling at them to kiss her. I'd say the trip was a success and we will be coming back for years to come!
(most of the photo cred goes to my husband!)
Friday, August 15, 2014
There's a bite in the air...
For the past few days the mornings have been chilly. I've had to throw on my zip-up and thick pajama pants. Honestly it makes me extremely excited. Fall is coming! I really can't wait for the rain, the crunchy leaves, the color, the coffee, the apple picking, the pumpkin picking, holidays and cozying up under a big blanket watching Halloween movies. What's not to love? It has always been my favorite time of year and always makes me feel inspired! Here's a few images to get you ready for the changing of the seasons!
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(top right: Lindsey Ocker; bottom middle: Better Homes and Gardens; bottom right: Traverse City by Joey BLS Photography) |
Now, come on, doesn't that make you just a little excited? Another thing that I always look forward to, like most girls, is the wardrobe change! However, this year I'm more excited about Mila's closet than my own. I would love to see her in plaids, florals, sweater dresses and of course, boots! If I could just blow a bunch of money on her, these are some things I would have to get...
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Movies and Storms
This morning was a little rough for Miss Mila which resulted in spending most of the morning snuggled up on the couch watching movies. She is definitely an outdoors babe so I finally picked us up and got us outside. It was gloomy but cool, perfect for a little walk. We walked through the woods and then found a field. Once I told her she could go in, she dove right through the wildflowers. She kept calling out "Animals?", probably hoping to see a deer sleeping like we've seen before. We watched bugs and picked a handful of flowers. Once she was satisfied, we started our way back home. For some reason today the passing cars made her nervous. She would stop as soon as she saw one, spin around and slam into me, gripping my leg as tight as she could. Every time she would say "I scared. Cars!" I've never heard her say anything scared her so I was really taken aback at first. After the third time of her doing this, I just held her tight and told her that mommy would never let anything get her, especially those cars. Mila, you are the sweetest soul I've ever met and it is a gift to be your protector, your safe haven. I will protect you for always... except for when you are dancing on the porch, slip on your sippy and cut your eye open on the railing. Then I take you to the med center to get two, gaudy, blue stitches apparently.
A Shoot With: The DeYoung Family!
From now on, I'm going to be posting my sessions on here! The pictures look better and I can tell a story - win, win! And who better to feature on my first photo post than the best teacher I've ever known and his beautiful family? Meet Tim, Cindy, Sam and Ben. Tim was my band teacher in high school and I can honestly say that that was the only class everybody looked forward to. I mean, we all loved him so much we nicknamed him "Uncle Tim"! You won't find a cooler, more down to earth and fun loving guy. His family is even better. Cindy is just as easy going, super friendly and hello, absolutely gorgeous! And their boys are brave, wild and hilarious. Most of the time, they were finding huge rocks to jump off of or running off to the end of the park and back. I just want to say that it was so, so, so good seeing you guys again and catching up! I hope you enjoy your set!
Monday, July 28, 2014
On being a mother...
... the days go by so fast now. At night as she lays sleeping in between my husband and I, I'm suddenly aware of how much she's grown. She's no longer a little bundle of blanket tucked in the nook of my arm. She's all bed head and kicking legs and flailing arms.
The Zoo!
Our little family was in great need of some Daddy time and with word that the zoo was getting tigers, Josh took the day off of work and to the zoo we went! I have been going to our local zoo since before I can remember. I used to go every week when I was younger - that was the perk of only living a block away. John Ball Zoo has undergone many changes these past few years. They have expanded and improved their habitats, brought in a lot of fun, new animals and have thrown in a few hands-on experiences. If you've never been, John Ball is a smaller zoo that is perfect for younger children, although the rest of the family is bound to enjoy it as well.
Monday, July 14, 2014
Our Summer...
has been filled with photoshoots (finally!), tattoos, stickers, markers, picnics, park trips, boats, swimming, being naked, Grandmas and Grandpas, the beach and all kinds of other adventures. I have been trying to stay off of my phone and off of the internet just to be able to enjoy these few months but I am back for a quick update before I get too far behind! Enjoy!
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Say Hello To Summer!
We have been settling into and putting our mark on this apartment. The more pictures that go up, the better I feel about it. Mila and I have really turned it into a big play room but hey, that's the beauty of being a stay-at-home mom! When we're not indoors, we are out exploring the ponds around the complex. Most have been filled with baby ducks and geese since early Spring, who are usually gifted with bread and cereal every time they see us.
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Pearls and Kitten Heels
I've always been a fan of vintage styles, antiques and even pin up girls and something finally clicked: that was the style I was meant for. Right now I'm in the middle of a wardrobe overhaul. I know it's going to be a slow process but I think I've gotten a pretty good jump on it, thanks to Goodwill and my grandmother (I always knew she had some goods!). I'm definitely up to my neck in pearls and some vintage kitten heels which I am not complaining about!
Change/Around The House
So, this is the first post on a new blog. My old blog was just a mess and I hardly used it. I'm not sure if it's the gloomy weather lately (I love me some dark, rainy days!) or just finally having time to do my own thing that's gotten me inspired or what but I am and I decided it was time for a change.
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
One Huge Mila Update!
This morning as I watched my big girl go about her crazy morning routine, I thought to myself "Will I remember when she started saying what words. Will I remember the random funny things she does that makes her suddenly seem so grown up?" The truth is this first year has already flown right on by and I know in another year I won't remember certain things she does now... so I wrote them down and now I'm going to share all of the Mila-ness with you lovely people!
Monday, April 28, 2014
Who We Were And Who We Are
"Our parents are still the same people they were when they were twenty. We will be the same people when we are forty."
Friday, April 25, 2014
We have been back in Michigan for almost two months now and it has been amazing (minus the house hunting part, which did not go so well)! Spring has sprung, mostly. The birds are singing, the rain comes and goes all day, Mila smells the flowers on our daily walks.
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Mila is turning ONE!
Man time has been FLYING right on by this past month! We only have ten days left in Missouri and ten days until Mila is one year old! What happened? Just last week we brought her home from the hospital, right? She is one amazing, sweet little pot of honey and we can't wait to come home and share her kisses and celebrate her birthday with everyone! Here's a quick look back on Mila's first year...
Thursday, January 16, 2014
One Last Time
The soft light of morning washed over him through our front door as he put on his jacket. Today was the last day that he will wear his uniform. He turned to look at me, a mix of emotion in his eyes. "Take my picture." I grabbed the camera and pressed the shutter, my own emotion settling over me with each click. He stood at rest for a final time. The day we had been waiting forever for was finally here and it was the definition of bittersweet.
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Touch A Tree
...that was the funniest thing you could have said to Mila that day. It was nice outside, sunny and warm and our little family was in good spirits. So what else was there left to do but go for a walk in the park? Miss Mila was excited to say the least, especially for the trees. She was in awe during the drive in and it only got better as I strapped her in the carrier and began our journey. Trees were everywhere and we had to touch them all! I love experiencing all of her quirks, her laughs, her need to explore. You go out there and you touch all of the trees you can find honey. Dad and I will be right behind you, laughing and cheering you on!
A Walk With Miss Mila
The sun came out, the snow melted. I looked my baby girl in the eyes and asked "Do you want to go outside?" Her face lit up and we threw on our jackets. The fresh air was instantly spirit lifting and we trekked down our muddy, slushy street. We took a back path through another neighborhood, down a very steep hill and over a creek. Mila was quiet, observing the change of scenery with a smile. We shared some kisses and giggles and snapped a few photos. It was a good day.
Monday, January 13, 2014
Around The House
As I said in my previous post, we have been BUSY, BUSY, BUSY! Despite beginning the chaos of packing, rearranging, selling of everything and cleaning, we've tried to keep our schedule as normal as possible and keep as much playtime alive as we can during the day (for Mila's and our sakes)! This is not hard to accomplish at all though when you have a ridiculously silly daughter that fills your house with laughter every second! Her laugh and smile are so addictive, they are like a drug that Josh and I cannot get enough of. We will do just about damn near anything to hear or see them, no matter how insane we look or sound to our neighbors!
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Saying Goodbye and A New Beginning
We've had our bout of good and bad news recently. I guess I'll start with the bad and finish up with a high note! It's always hard being away from friends and family, especially during a time of loss. My mom called me last week to tell me that one of our dogs was going to be put down. Dozer, our family's black lab, had been having some strokes and refusing to eat so it was time. I felt extremely guilty and mad that I couldn't be there to say goodbye to our puppy. I felt even worse about not being able to be there for my parents. Josh was smart and kind enough to get us out of the house for the day (have I mentioned lately how much I love that man?). We had Starbucks and tried a random chinese restaurant for dinner and it was just what I needed.
Friday, January 3, 2014
Mila's Snow Day
It FINALLY snowed in Missouri the other day so despite Mila's constant protests, I bundled her up in many, many puffy layers and set her free! She was in heaven and it was all I could do to keep myself from laughing hysterically the entire time we were outside...
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
A New Year - Reflections and Goals
This year has been A YEAR, let me tell you. So much has happened - we have changed, grown, been disappointed, found a love we never knew existed, moved, felt absolutely alone and created new traditions together. We have been in Missouri now for a little over a year and it truly has been eye opening. I know everybody says this but we truly didn't know what we had until we no longer had it.
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