It was Monday, February 25th. Josh and I were preparing for the induction the next morning. We spent the day packing last minute things, figuring out how we were going to get to the hospital in the aftermath of the approaching winter storm and even bought a washer and dryer to save ourselves a million trips to the laundromat with dirty cloth diapers. We were both excited, I was getting a little nervous. I was about to make dinner and the phone rang. It was a nurse from the hospital. She told us that the staff was worried about us making it to the hospital safely the next morning and offered us two new options: come in for a stress test that night and reschedule the induction for a later date or be induced that night. I put my hand over the phone and asked Josh what he wanted to do. He told me it was my decision. With my heart in my throat and the thought of holding our daughter a day early in my mind, I told her we would be coming in after dinner.